Friday, June 02, 2017

Hampstead Court Palace, Thames River, London

Henry VIII had a summer home, actually Cardinal Wolsey built it and Henry took it over.  Now it's a 35 minute train trip from London. Probably took Henry and entourage a day or more to get there. The photo above is one of many inner court yards and the structure in the foreground is a fountain that flowed wine because Henry was a show off. Well........ he was king. I guess he was allowed to show off.
The palace has funky chimneys all over. Every room where guests stayed had heating and their own privy. Nothing like modern conveniences. 
Every palace needs a great hall where the 600+ people could be feed. 
Fun with napkins. These are folded into various intricate shapes. Pretty amazing. All with linen napkins but during he Georgian time, not Henry VIII's.

One of Henry's kitchens. Massive and a lot of meat was cooked over open fires.

Henry's wine cellar. Apparently they drank it young and fresh and went through barrels of the stuff. Remember the fountain? The next two photos are a couple of gardens of the massive property. The roses are divine and the entire area had the most wonderful fragrance.

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